• Tasty Mango Chutney 400G

    Tasty Mango Chutney 400G

    Tasty Mango Chutney

    Tasty Mango Chutney is a delicious condiment that is made from ripe mangoes, sugar, vinegar, and spices. It has a sweet and tangy flavor that goes well with many dishes, such as curries, rice, cheese, bread, and crackers. Tasty Mango Chutney is also a great way to use up any excess mangoes that you have in your kitchen. It is easy to make and can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a month.

  • Lasia Roots Chutney 250G

    Lasia Roots Chutney 250G

    Lasia Roots Chutney

    Lasia Roots Chutney is a spicy condiment that is made from lasia roots, also known as kohila or water mimosa. It has a crunchy texture and a pungent flavor that goes well with rice, bread, or roti. Lasia Roots Chutney is also a great way to enjoy the health benefits of lasia roots, which are rich in fiber, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory compounds. It is easy to make and can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a week.

  • Pineapple Chutney 400G Baked Ham With Brown Sugar Glaze

    Pineapple Chutney 400G Baked Ham With Brown Sugar Glaze

    Pineapple Chutney Baked Ham With Brown Sugar Glaze

    Pineapple Chutney Baked Ham With Brown Sugar Glaze is a mouthwatering dish that is perfect for any festive occasion. It is made from a tender and juicy ham that is baked with a sweet and tangy pineapple chutney and a rich and glossy brown sugar glaze. It has a delicious flavor and aroma that will make your guests drool. It is easy to make and can be served with mashed potatoes, roasted vegetables, or salad.

  • Home made Ambarella Chutney 350G

    Homemade Ambarella Chutney 350G

    Homemade Ambarella Chutney

    Ambarella Chutney is a tangy and spicy product made from ambarella, a tropical fruit also known as June plum or golden apple. It is a traditional and popular product in Sri Lanka, where it is used to enhance the flavor of rice, bread, or roti.

  • Pure Tasty Sinhala Pickle 230G

    Pure Tasty Sinhala Pickle 230G

    Pure Tasty Sinhala Pickle

    Pure Tasty Sinhala Pickle is a traditional and authentic product made from vegetables and unripe papaya. It is a Sri Lankan delicacy that is served during special and auspicious occasions such as the Sinhala and Tamil New Year.

  • Mango Chutney

    Mango Chutney

    Mango Chutney

    Mango chutney is a sweet and tangy product that will enhance your dishes with a burst of tropical flavor.

    100% Natural | No Added Preservatives


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