7 Advantages of Switching to Brown Rice Instead of White Rice

7 Advantages of Switching to Brown Rice Instead of White Rice

7 Advantages of Switching to Brown Rice Instead of White Rice

Have you ever wondered how much rice of what quality is eaten in Sri Lanka?

Sri Lanka is thought to eat million tonnes of rice annually. What else do we have as a choice outside a healthy diet to counteract such heavy usage?

Brown rice and white rice share many similarities. There is almost no protein and no fat in them; they are both carbs. They look identical to one another and are interchangeable in most circumstances. But the similarities stop there. 

Advantages of Switching to Brown Rice Instead of White Rice

Advantages of Switching to Brown Rice Instead of White Rice


If we compare white bread and whole-grain bread as a simple example ( Brown Bread). When white rice has been refined, just a small portion of the grain remains.

On the other hand, brown rice is an excellent source of fiber, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, thiamine, and niacin. It is indicated that consuming a portion of brown rice as part of a balanced diet will promote good health.

Advantages of Switching to Brown Rice

Loss of weight

Naturally high-fiber foods are known to aid with weight management more, and brown rice has six times the dietary fiber of white rice. Hence, it has been established that brown rice can aid in weight loss. It is a fantastic choice for a wholesome snack as well. Many nutritious breakfast recipes call for brown rice.

No more unnecessary cravings

When you eat brown rice, you stay fuller for longer, which helps you resist other sugar cravings. Because of this, managing your weight is simple, and you have fewer harmful cravings. The following are a few advantages of eating brown rice.

Natural Oils

Natural oils found in brown rice aid in lowering blood cholesterol levels. The finest source to help your body get rid of cholesterol is natural oil. You may improve the health of your heart in numerous ways by including brown rice in your diet. You can try to substitute something in your healthy diet at any time.

Rich in antioxidants

Like fruits and vegetables, it is packed with antioxidants and can combat free radicals produced as a result of environmental problems. You should incorporate this healthy practice into your regular routine.

Call for Calcium

It strengthens your bones because it contains a large amount of calcium. When replacing white rice in the diet for weight loss, brown rice is the ideal choice.

Boost it up

It strengthens your bones because it contains a large amount of calcium. When replacing white rice in the diet for weight loss, brown rice is the ideal choice. 

Source of Selenium

Due to its high selenium content, brown rice aids in the prevention of cardiac problems. Lignans, which are also present in other whole grains and seeds, are substances that are present in brown rice. By consuming this brown rice, you can prevent heart problems and enhance your health.

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