5 Helpful Uses for Coconut Oil

5 Helpful Uses for Coconut Oil

5 Helpful Uses for Coconut Oil

Introduction to Coconut Oil

Copra, the kernel or meat of a coconut, is the raw material used to make coconut oil. Its main source of saturated fats is medium-chain triglycerides. Coconut oil has a wide range of applications in the fields of skincare, wellness, and cosmetics.

5 Helpful Uses for Coconut Oil

Lower Cholesterol  and Risk of Heart Disease

Although there is some evidence that coconut oil increases HDL, which may lower cholesterol, there isn’t enough to indicate that it will prevent heart disease on its own. Natural saturated fats, such as those found in coconut oil, help turn LDL (bad) cholesterol into HDL (good) cholesterol as well as raising HDL levels in the body. Consider ingesting 1/2 to 1 tablespoon of coconut oil daily. It can be blended into a smoothie or added to coffee to make “Bullet-Proof Coffee.” Additionally, coconut oil helps enhance nutritional absorption and digestion.

Soothe Skin Issues

Coconut oil, a powerful moisturizer, can aid in softer, smoother skin. To remove a buildup of dead skin cells, combine 1 cup of coconut oil with 1/2 cup of sea salt or sugar. The mixture will leave your skin feeling and looking fresh and radiant. Additionally, dermatitis, itchy skin, and eczema can be treated with coconut oil.

Oil Pulling

One teaspoon of organic coconut oil should be actively swished around in the mouth for at least 15 and up to 20 minutes. This procedure removes toxins and bacteria from the gums, tongue, mouth, and spaces between your teeth. Spit your mouth out into the trash at the conclusion of the 20-minute period. (To protect your drain, DO NOT spit coconut oil down the sink.) Your breath should smell better, and your mouth should be healthier overall. Even some individuals have reported brighter teeth.

Nail and Cuticle Treatment

Nail and Cuticle Treatment

Nail and Cuticle Treatment

Cuticles become ragged, nails become dull, damaged, or chipped, and occasionally they require some tender loving care. To help eliminate faults and promote healthy growth, massage a small amount of coconut oil into your cuticles and all over your nails.

Eyelash Enhancer

In addition to being good for your face, coconut oil is wonderful for your eyelashes. In an empty jar, add 1 tablespoon of coconut oil and 2 drops of lavender oil. To promote thick eyelashes, use them once or twice each week.

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