Ice Tea for a Healthier Life

Ice Tea

Ice Tea for a Healthier Life

An introduction to ice tea

When it comes to beverages, tea is the in a tight second most consumed aromatic beverage with coffee. In continents like Asia and different cultures around the world, tea plays a vital role in the everyday lives of people who not only see it as a normal beverage but as a social mechanism to integrate their culture. Soft drinks based on tea are consumed cold or iced in general. Ice tea is a form of cold tea, which is gradually gaining market attention. Ice teas made from black tea are widely consumed in Western countries, mostly due to tradition and also due to the knowledge of the overall health benefits of tea.

Flavors of ice tea 

Flavors of ice tea

Flavors of ice tea


It may or may not be sweetened and is also a popular packaged drink. It can be mixed with flavored syrup with multiple common flavors; lemon, raspberry, lime, passion fruit, peach, orange, strawberry, cherry, etc. 

Antioxidant compounds found in tea

The consumption of ice tea offers similar health benefits as black tea consumption. The most important antioxidant compounds found in tea are Polyphenols and Catechins.  Polyphenols in tea give anti-oxidant properties and reduce various cancers as it boosts the immune system. Catechin molecules show the highest antioxidant activity. 

Health benefits of ice tea

Some other health benefits are the inhibition of inflammation, and protective effects against diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and obesity. Furthermore, tea drinking is associated with reduced blood pressure, stroke, and hypertension and reduces DNA damage. Also, tea is a good alternative for consumers who demands less caffeine as tea contains half the caffeine content of coffee. Thus, drinking ice tea would be beneficial for health in many aspects.

New ways to add more goodness to ice tea

Regarding new approaches in the production of ice tea, fortification of tea beverages with nutritious and energy-giving materials is one new approach. This can be achieved by the incorporation of various cereal-based materials and proteins (e.g., collagens). Some examples are Vitamin A fortification, Thiamine fortification, etc. 

Another would be the incorporation of prebiotic and probiotic components as additives to ice tea. Prebiotics are non-digestible carbohydrates that beneficially affect the host after ingestion as they are available as a selective energy source for probiotic bacteria, stimulating their growth and activity in the colon. 

Be a daily ice tea consumer

Furthermore, regarding the international tea market, the opening up of new ice markets in countries where tea had not been commonly consumed has given new growth opportunities for the tea trade. 

Also, with value addition and product development moving away from traditional forms and styles of tea consumption, tea is believed to be accepted, particularly in Western countries in newer, more modern forms by young and old, for example, as a part of a healthy diet. So don’t miss your chance to become an iced tea drinker, not only as a refreshment from daily fatigue but also to embrace yourselves toward a healthy lifestyle.  

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